Navy with multi color dot cotton fabric overshirt with snap back closures
Headband has been tied in a knot making it easy to slip over dolls head
Handmade sunglasses.
Handpainted and decorated red & black guitar by me.
Please note the red shoes are not included. I asked Melanie Milling to make these red Gary shoes to match my outfit. I'm sure if you email her she will make you a pair too. You can find her website link under the Links page.
Don't you think my Gary's look cool with their rooted brown and blonde curly hair? Blonde Gary repaint by Rebecca Montague at Beck's Babies.
Janet's One of a Kind dolls and custom fashions have no affiliation with any doll or toy manufacturing company. Copyright 1999-2025. Janet Caudle owner. This site is not to be copied, reproduced, used or taken without the express written permission of the owner. Barbie is a registered trademark of Mattel and Dawn is a registered trademark of Checkerboard Toys.