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Holiday Collection 2007 > Heavenly Angel
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Heavenly Angel

Heavenly Angel

CHR097 retired. Limited Edition of 24 sets.I really enjoyed making this little angel gown set because I used so many different crafting skills. First I took some glue, card stock paper and glitter fabric to make the wings and crown, then I crocheted gold metallic cords to tie around the waistline, and then I tried my hand at making a little harp from gold card stock and gold metallic tread. Added a little gold heart jewelry necklace and Ta Da, your 2007 Holiday Angel set. 5 piece white satin and gold trim gown set. White satin gown skirt is underlined with white glimmer tulle to allow your this part gown to fair out on it's own. Gold glitter metallic bodice with one snap back closure. Gold eyelash attached to the bottom of the gold. Gold trim around the shoulder and neckline. Attached to the back of the gown is my crocheted gold metallic cords. Wings are made from card stock, white coated wire, and gold glitter metallic fabric. The back of the wings look identical to the front of the wings. White coated wire was also inserted into the wings. All you have to do is once you've dressed your doll, just insert this small wire back behind the bodice back. Gold wire heart necklace and gold metallic card stock harp.

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